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Side Baby

Side Baby

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"'Arturo Bruni"' (born 13 September 1994), known professionally as "'Side Baby"', is an Italian rapper and former member of Dark Polo Gang.Son of the Italian director and screenwriter Francesco Bruni, he played a role in the 2011 film "Easy!" and 2017 film "Everything You Want", both written and directed by his father. He was a member of the Roman trap group Dark Polo Gang from 2014 to 2018. The decision to leave the group comes in May 2018, when the artist's father announces his son's decision to leave the Dark Polo Gang to pursue a solo career.The following month he starts publishing content on social media, especially Soundcloud, under the name of Side Baby (or even as Arturo), thus removing the "Dark" prefix. In April 2019, he released his first album for Universal Music, which takes its title from his first name, "Arturo". His second studio album, "Il ritorno del vero", was released in 2021.;Studio albums*"Arturo" (2019)*"Il ritorno del vero" (2021);Singles*"Medicine" (2018)*"Nuvo... Continua su Wikipedia

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